6 Tips to Protect Your Asphalt Driveway During the Winter

Winter is fast approaching, and as you no doubt already know, winter can be very hard on asphalt. If you have an asphalt driveway, you should take precautions to protect it before the winter comes. Of course, you should also take certain precautions during the winter. These precautions include repairing all the cracks, covering the driveway with sealants, patching holes, estimating the traffic, and clearing debris off the driveway. To learn more about protecting your driveway during the winter, read on.

Repair All Asphalt Cracking

If you have any cracks in your driveway that have not already repaired, you should repair them before the first snow of the year. If snow and ice gets in the cracks, that may make the problem worse. This is especially true if the snow melts, then refreezes in the cracks. It will make the cracks worse and possibly destroy the asphalt completely. If this happens, you’ll have to replace the entire driveway, which can be quite expensive.

Protect Driveway with Sealants

If you haven’t already, you should apply a sealant to your driveway. This sealant will protect your driveway from snow, ice, water, dirt, and debris. You can have a commercial asphalt repair professional apply the sealant. This may be the most effective way to go about doing this. However, you can also purchase sealant yourself at the local hardware store and apply it on your own. This will save you money, but you will Iikely not be able to do it as effectively as a professional.

 Patch Holes

Just as you want to repair any cracks before winter comes, you should also patch any holes in the driveway. If you don’t, you may see similar negative effects to not repairing cracks, only worse. The weight of the snow and or ice on your driveway can cause the holes to become worse to the point where they go completely through the asphalt. If this happens, you will likely have to replace your driveway’s asphalt entirely or get commercial asphalt resurfacing.

 Estimate Increased Traffic

Most of the damage caused to your asphalt driveway is wear and tear from normal use. It’s always a good idea to estimate more traffic then you actually expect to get. This means that you’ll be prepared if there actually is an increase. You can prepare for increased traffic by applying heavy-duty sealants and patching holes and repairing cracks thoroughly with the highest quality materials. If you do this, there is a lesser chance that your driveway will sustain serious damage if traffic does actually increase during the winter. Of course, this will help extend the life of your driveway far beyond the upcoming winter, as well.

 Clear Debris Before Winter By Shoveling  Regularly 

Clearing debris off of your driveway before the cold weather hits is one often overlooked aspect of preparing your asphalt for the winter. It is important to clear the debris off for several reasons. First of all, the debris may become frozen to the driveway when it gets cold, which will make it impossible to remove. This could result in permanent damage to the driveway if the debris contains chemicals that can eat through asphalt. You should also make sure to clear debris during the winter by shoveling it off your driveway on a regular basis.

Should You Replace Or Repair Your Cracked

Asphalt Parking Lot?

Many people have asphalt parking lots finally become cracked at some point. If you do not take care of these cracks quickly, they will just spread and become worse. The question is not whether you should deal with your cracked asphalt
parking lot or not. It’s how you should deal with it. It can be difficult to know when you should replace or repair your cracked parking lot. This article will provide you with more information that will help you make this decision. To learn more, read on.

Types of Asphalt Damage Asphalt Cracking


Asphalt cracking is the most common type of asphalt damage. It can occur due to tree roots coming through the pavement, exposure to inclement weather, or even seismic activity if you live in a susceptible area. A few minor cracks are not a big deal, as long as you keep an eye on them. If your parking lot is severely cracked, you should contact a professional.

Rutting is less common than cracking, but it is still quite common. It occurs in high traffic areas in the parking lot where the passage of many cars leads to ruts in the asphalt. If these ruts are left untreated, they can begin to collect water. If you live in a place with very acidic rain, this water may eat through the asphalt.

Types of Commercial Asphalt Repair

Crack Sealing

Seal Coating

Crack sealing is fairly self-explanatory. It involves the application of a foam or liquid to fill up the crack. This will prevent dirt and water from getting in underneath the asphalt and wreaking havoc. Different asphalt repair companies
use different fluids for crack sealing.

Even if your asphalt parking lot is not yet showing signs of damage, it may be a good idea to get a seal coating. This can prevent or reduce the risk of damage from the elements to your asphalt parking lot. It can increase the life of your parking lot by years.

Commercial Asphalt Resurfacing

Mill & Resurface

If your parking lot has sustained severe damage, you may need resurfacing. Contact a professional and ask them about resurfacing. This will involve adding 1 and 1/2 to 2 inches of fresh asphalt over the damaged asphalt. This is possible if the existing asphalt is damaged, but still structurally sound.

Milling and resurfacing is similar to simply resurfacing, but it also involves removing the top layer of asphalt. This is generally carried out if the top layer of asphalt is too damaged to simply be resurfaced. Of course, the asphalt still must be structurally sound. Otherwise, it will need to be completely replaced.

When It’s Time To Replace the Asphalt

You may initially prefer simply repairing the asphalt to replacing it because of the lower cost and shorter period of time required. However, if the asphalt is too damaged to be safely repaired and you do repair it anyway, it will simply develop problems again and need to be repaired shortly. When the asphalt is no longer structurally sound, it is time for it to be replaced. It can be difficult for a layman to determine whether the asphalt is structurally sound or not. This is why a professional should be called in for an inspection. They have no doubt worked on many asphalt parking lots, so you should listen to them if they say the asphalt needs to be replaced.