Issues with Standing Water on my Asphalt Parking Lot

Flooded parking lots make navigation nearly impossible for motorists and also poses mobility problems to pedestrians. What’s more, such derelict parking spaces end up causing damage to your precious car, and you’re forced to make expensive repairs every now and then. But where do these annoying puddles come from? And can the formation of these puddles on your asphalt parking lots be prevented?

The surface lining roads, pavements and curbs constantly undergo wear and tear as the vehicles use them and as the seasons come and pass. Weather plays a crucial role in shaping up these roads, especially during snowy weather conditions. The falling snow finds its way into small cracks and crevices lining the asphalt parking lots and pavements. With time, the snow starts to erode the surface of your parking lot, and that’s one of the main element behind the gaping potholes on your parking lots and roads.

Preventive Measures

Asphalt pavements also get damaged by heavy vehicles and trucks, either parked or moving. The excess tonnage of these earth monsters causes the pavements to get depressed, and in the process, the walkways are weakened. The best way to avoid weak and unstable sidewalks is by making sure the contractors compact the soils on the pavements foundation properly such that it can comfortably support heavy vehicles. Also, heavy vehicles ought not to be parked for extended durations on the asphalt parking lot. Finally, by regularly cleaning the parking lot it will last longer and will be much safer for all.

Drainage Fixes

Stagnant water pools on your parking lot may also come from a poor drainage infrastructure. The parking lot should have a robust drainage system capable of handling all the water rushing in from torrential rainfalls and burst sewage pipes. It’s worth noting that, puddling is a preventable problem. Consult with your local asphalt experts and get them to divulge other secrets and tips on how one undertakes proper parking lot maintenance.

Finding Asphalt Contractors

There’s no need whatsoever for you to panic just because of a clogged up parking lots. There’s always an easy solution and way out of the parking lot nightmares. The solution involves seeking the services of a reliable, trusted and accredited asphalt contractor and then paying them to undo the asphalt damage. The first thing that a licensed pavement repair contractor will do once you contact them is sending an expert to inspect the extent of damage on your parking lot.

The emissary from the asphalt construction company then uses their past exposure and experience to figure out what exactly is causing the unsightly potholes. The asphalt specialists may, for instance, decide to go with one of the most commonly used pavement repair procedures known as the infrared asphalt treatment. Alternatively, the issue may be emanating from old and malfunctioning drainage pipes, and in that case, the expert guides you on how to buy and install new gutters, curbs, and even trench drains from reputable concrete companies.

In conclusion

To save money and still walk away with a terrific pavement job, here’s what you should do. Always hire the most experienced asphalt pavement Solutions Company over the new and counterparts in the asphalt industry. To solve the standing water problems once and for all, you’re highly recommended to reach out to a registered asphalt pavement service provider.


For far too long traffic got all the attention. Cars at rest seemed boring, and those in motion were exciting. Parking was hardly talked about. Today, parking has become a top concern among many stakeholders including commercial parking lot entrepreneurs, city planners, and company heads.

Space is limited, and parking lot demand is ever increasing. That explains why behemoth parking lots or “seas of asphalt parking lot” and mega garages are a hot potato. Despite the attention, commercial parking lots face numerous challenges including breakdowns. Why?

We’ve gathered five significant breakdown causes that every commercial parking business owner must know.

1.    Dirt, Debris, and Engine Oil

Regular cleaning of parking lots prevents damage. Often, leaking engines are conventional in most parking lots. Engine oil can cause severe damage to pavement surfaces. It creates ugly stains as it weakens the parking lot. There are different techniques to clean engine oil stains.

Experienced asphalt companies recommend cleaning parking lots at least twice a month. Remove all debris including dirt, leaves, and rocks from the pavement. Thorough cleaning enhances parking lot’s beauty and significantly increases its lifespan.

Debris and dust are known to prevent proper drainage leading to the occurrence of tiny water ponds on asphalt surfaces. With time, asphalt breaks down allowing water to seep into the parking lot’s sub base creating huge potholes and cracks.

2.    Cracks

All cracks more than a quarter an inch wide should be repaired. At times, weed growing in an asphalt parking lot extends these cracks. It’s advisable to promptly remove plants to prevent their roots from causing more damage by breaking down the pavement’s surface. Also, fill in the cracks to prevent vegetation from growing and water from percolating. Dry and solid asphalt surface is necessary.

Some cracks don’t require sealants. Generally, parking lots have various cracks including edge cracks, reflection, slippage and shrinkage cracks. It’s vital to repair them once they start occurring promptly. If you notice any cracks on the surface, contact certified asphalt companies to fix them.

3.    Low-Quality Sealant

At times, entrepreneurs choose to purchase cheap sealant to save money. They end up compromising on quality. A high-quality sealant adequately fills any crack on your parking lot. High quality sealant prevents water from seeping in or vegetation from growing and cover from breaking abruptly.

However, consider the size of the cracks before applying any sealant. Fill in deep and wide cracks. Adding a layer of sealant frequently helps extend your parking lot’s longevity. Assess the parking bay’s tear and wear rate to determine how often to seal.

4.    Poor Design

Be careful when hiring a contractor for paving in Denver project. An inexperienced contractor may create an erroneous design that cannot withstand wear and tear when vehicles drive on specific parts of the pavement. Change your parking arrangement and stripes to minimize wear. Furthermore, redesigning your parking lot can help increase productivity and space.

5.    Divot and Poor Drainage

Divot refers to a portion of asphalt surface that is dug out from the sub-base. Divot may occur as a result of poor drainage. Usually, heavy trucks and trailers remain at a single spot for long. They create water puddles which weaken the asphalt leading to the occurrence of potholes. It’s crucial to have sufficient drainage to prolong your parking lot.

Failure to repair damaged parking lot may significantly reduce your revenue. Perform routine maintenance to fix minor issues to avoid costly repairs. Also, check the weight of vehicles using asphalt surfaces. Huge tracks are known to destroy ordinary paving in Denver. Running a parking lot business? Share your thoughts and experiences with us.